Nupopeedia - vastused kõigile küsimustele
Taanis saab nüüd rekordarv inimesi diabeeti rav...
Kujutagem ette Taanit, kus me tegeleme aktiivselt kasvavate diabeedihaigete arvuga, kasutades tõhusaid ja tõestatud ravimeetodeid, nagu TDR (täielik dieedi asendamine). on ülioluline, et uuriksime kõiki võimalusi diabeediravi parandamiseks. Ühendkuningriigis on...
Semaglutiidi ja VLCD kaalulangetuse strateegiat...
Kas kaalulangetus programm semaglutiidiga on võimas lahendus? Paljud valivad kaalulangetusravimid lihtsa lahendusena, kuid ei ole tihti valmis muudatusi tegema ega soovi tervislikult toituda. Rasvumine on krooniline ainevahetushaigus, mis mõjutab miljoneid...
VLCD ja meditsiiniline kaalulangus: Revolutsioo...
Kas kaalud meditsiinilise kaalulangetusteekonna alustamist? Siis pead veenduma, et sinu toitumine on õige koostisega. Kuna kaalulangetusravimid vähendavad isu, on oluline, et sinu dieet sisaldaks optimaalset toiteväärtust, tagades, et kaalulangus on...
Täielik dieedi asendamine, ravimid, liikumine j...
Uus Taani uuringu analüüsis 109 raskekujulise rasvumisega inimest, kelle kehamassiindeks (KMI) jäi vahemikku 32 kuni 43. Kõik osalejad läbisid uuringu kõik etapid, mis tagas tugeva ja järjepideva osalejate grupi,...
Kaalulangetuse tulemused bariaatrilise kirurgia...
Vaata, kuidas Nupo dieeti saab integreerida bariaatrilise kirurgiaga ja milliseid potentsiaalseid eeliseid see toob patsientide toitumisvajaduste ja kaalulangetuse tulemuste osas. Kliinilise toitumisnõustajana, kellel on kogemusi bariaatrilise toitumise valdkonnas, olen teadlik...
Kas unistad uuest teest parema tervise ja elukv...
Nüüd on see võimalik TDR-i abil – ülim lahendus, mis muudab mitte ainult sinu keha, vaid ka sinu elu! Koge murrangulist lähenemist 2. tüüpi diabeedi kontrollimiseks TDR-i abil. Uuringud, näiteks...
Miks soovitame päevas tarbida 6 Nupo Dieti port...
11. märts 2024, Massi Fazli Laialt levinud hirm nälja ees taanlaste seas viib eksiarvamuseni, et nälg on ohtlik seisund. Kuid nälg on loomulik signaal keha vajadusest toitainete järele ning võib...
Kaalulangetussüstide kombineerimine väga madala...
Väga madala kalorsusega dieedi (VLCD), mida sageli tuntakse ka kui valemdieeti, ja välja kirjutatud meditsiinilise kaalulangetusravi kombineeritud eelised loovad võimsa tööriistakomplekti neile, kes soovivad oma kaalu tõhusalt hallata. VLCD algatab...
Kuidas kiiresti kaalust alla võtta
Võite küsida, kuidas kaalust alla võtta ja kas on üldse võimalik tervislikult ja tasakaalustatult kiiresti kaalust alla võtta. Isegi kui olete minevikus mitu korda proovinud või olete täiesti algaja, siis...
Mida tähendab olla paastudieedil?
Neile, kes soovivad kaalust alla võtta, on olemas palju erinevaid meetodeid, mida järgida, ja peamiselt on see küsimus sellest, milline neist teile kõige paremini sobib. Paastudieet on üks võimalus, mis...
Põhjalik juhend bariaatrilise operatsiooni eels...
Bariaatrilise operatsiooni eelse dieedi mõistmine Bariaatriliseks operatsiooniks valmistumisel võib väga madala kalorsusega dieedi (VLCD) omaksvõtmine olla oluline samm püsiva kaalulanguse ja parema tervise suunas. See strateegiline lähenemine võib suurendada...
Kuidas leida parimad toidud kaalulangetamiseks
Kui koostate endale sobivaimat toitumiskava, on oluline tähelepanu pöörata toidu tüüpidele, mida valite. Tervislike kalorite tarbimine koos regulaarse treeninguga aitab kasvatada lihasmassi, mis omakorda on tõhusam rasvapõletuses ja toetab pikaajalist...
EL-i regulatsioon VLCD kohta
Miks on EL-il regulatsioon väga madala kalorsusega dieetide (VLCD) kohta? Lühidalt öeldes on see tarbija kaitsmiseks. Me peame tagama, et tooted, mida me turule toome, vastaksid EL-i kõrgetele standarditele. Kui...
Are Weight Loss Pills right for me in 2023?
A new year typically brings new resolutions for change in our lives, and often this involves improving our physical health. In fact, the top three most common New Year’s resolutions...
Kuidas kaotada kõhurasva?
Liigsed kilod kipuvad kogunema keha keskosale, avaldudes ümara ja pundunud kõhuna, ja nii nimetatud sangadena. Saleda silueti ja ilusa piiritletud talje saavutamiseks on just see paks keskosa, millest tuleb lahti...
The Keto diet
Very low-calorie diets (VLCD) can be extremely helpful for weight loss, especially if you are looking to lose weight quickly. A ketogenic diet falls under this category of diets. While...
How to lose weight fast
You may be wondering about quick weight loss and how much weight you can lose in a week. There are different ways to go about weight loss – depending on...
Toitumiskava kehakaalu langetamiseks
Kaalulangetamise dieet on täiesti individuaalne, sõltuvalt iga inimese vajadustest, eesmärkidest ja eelistustest. Mõned inimesed eelistavad täistoidu dieeti, töötlemata toite ja palju värskeid puuvilju ja köögivilju. Teised leiavad, et toidukorra asendusdieet...
Weight loss – a growing challenge
Over the past few decades, the number of people who are overweight has increased exponentially. Being overweight is a condition that is defined by a person being at a weight...
Weight loss associated with bariatric surgery
There are many benefits to having bariatric surgery. Obesity carries risks of developing several diseases and can also increase the risk of developing obesity, which is a chronic disease in...
Is 800 kcal enough for my body type?
800 calories are very little whether you are a little or very overweight. There is no problem in having a very low-calorie intake for a period of time. Since there...
Adverse effects of plant food supplements and b...
- by C. Di Lorenzo et al. (2014) Objective The objective of this review was to collect available data on the following: (i) adverse effects observed in humans from the...
A Review on Pharmacological and Phytochemical P...
- by Gaurav Kumar et al. (2011) Introduction Herbs and plants have been in use as a source of therapeutic compounds in traditional medicinal system since ancient time. Medicines plants...
Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of a h...
- by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (2014) Resumé Following an application from InQpharm Europe Ltd, submitted for authorisation of a health claim pursuant to Article 13(5) of Regulation (EC)...
Re-evaluation of konjac gum (E 425 I) and konja...
by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (2017) Resumé The present opinion deals with the re-evaluation of konjac (E 425), comprising konjac gum (E 425 i) and konjac glucomannan (E 425...
Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of hea...
by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (2010) Resumé Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies was asked to provide a scientific opinion...
Why It's More Difficult to Lose Weight as We Age
Have you gotten a little older and decided to start losing weight - yet feel like it's not going as fast as it used to? Well, it might not be...
Can Your Metabolism stop moving? How the Metabo...
You have probably heard people say things like "It's not healthy to lose weight too fast, as it'll make your metabolism stall" or "Your body will go into survival mode"...
How much weight can I lose with Nupo Diet?
How much can you expect to lose with Nupo? It is obvious that this is a primary question, when considering a diet. However, it is also one of the hardest...
Lose weight after your pregnancy
It is completely natural to gain weight when you are going through a pregnancy. On average, normal-weight women in Denmark gain about 12-15 kilos during their pregnancy. The extra kilos...
Get a good start on your New Year's Resolution
This time of year is usually filled with people that want to begin a healthier lifestyle and lose the unwanted extra kilos. To have a successful experience with weight loss...
Tips and tricks for healthy habits
Make your life easier and schedule your training and new healthy diet – try to stay ahead of your different plans, so you can maintain your new healthy habits. Schedule,...
The 2:5 diet
We have all heard about the 5:2 diet, where you eat normally five out of seven days during the week and keep your calorie intake at a minimum for the...
Protein Drinks vs. Ready To Drink (RTD): Which ...
It's important to understand that protein drinks are not subject to the same strict standards for nutritional composition as ready-made meal replacements (RTDs).
Valgubatoonid vs. toidukorra asendajad: Kumb on...
Poodide riiulite vahel navigeerides, kus on rohkelt valikuid, võib olla keeruline otsustada, kas valida proteiinibatoonid või toidukorra asendajad. Proteiinibatoonid meelitavad tervislikuma elustiili lubadustega, kuid kas need on tõesti ideaalne lahendus?...
Plant-Based Lifestyle
In a nutshell, a vegan diet is a plant-based food plan that includes vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and seeds and excludes animal byproducts such as meats, dairy, and eggs. Strict...
Wrap your Body and Mind around Low-Calorie Meals
Most of us have likely heard the term “low-calorie meals”, but what exactly does this mean? At what threshold do we go from ‘low’ to ‘high’? This, of course, depends...
Keeping up motivation
How to keep up the motivation Most people know the feeling of being motivated to start a lifestyle change. Then suddenly the motivation disappears and the project seems unmanageable. It...
Dieet One Meal pannkoogid - lisatud skyr (või r...
108 1/2 kcal Nupo One Meal + ca. 120 kcal Teil on vaja: 1/2 portsjonit One Meal pannkooke. Tehke 2 pannkooki 50 g või 3 spl skyr (või rasvavaba...
Diet Couscous - with added chickpeas and caulif...
129 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Couscous 1 small handful chickpeas / 30 gram 1 handful cauliflower / 60 gram How to prepare:...
Diet Risotto - with chicken and vegetables
132 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Risotto 1 small handful of chicken filet / 40 gram 1 whole red bell pepper / 100...
Diet Egg Omelette - with added vegetables and t...
129 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Egg Omelette 5 cherry tomatoes / 1 handful / 50 gram 3 slices of non-fat top filling...
Diet Vegetable Soup - with added vegetables
117 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Vegetable Soup 1,5 red bell pepper / 150 gram / 2 handfuls 1 onion / 50 gram...
Diet Tomato Soup - with meatballs and vegetables
118 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 180 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Tomato Soup 1 handful of ready-made meatballs / 45 gram 3 large handfuls vegetables / 200 gram...
Diet Tomato Soup - with noodles and vegetables
118 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Tomato Soup 1 handful noodles / 30 gram or 1/2 brick 2 large handfuls of vegetables /...
Diet Spicy Thai Chicken Soup - with added chick...
118 kcal Nupo Diet + 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Spicy Thai Chicken Soup 70 gram coconut mik 70 gram fried chicken How to prepare: Please follow the...
Diet Spicy Thai Chicken Soup - with added leeks...
118 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Spicy Thai Chicken Soup 100 gram chicken 50 gram leeks or pointed cabbage How to repare: Please...
Diet Strawberry Shake - with added skyr (or non...
121 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Strawberry Shake 90 gram skyr (or non-fat greek yoghurt) with strawberry or other berry taste / 6...
Diet Mango Vanilla Shake - with added berries a...
120 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 60 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Mango Vanilla Shake 100 ml skimmed milk 50 gram berries - Example: Use frozen mango and/or pineapple...
Diet Risotto - with added shrimps and vegetables
132 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 60 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Risotto 1 handful shrimps / 50 gram 5 cherry tomatoes / 1 handful / 50 gram 1...
Diet Egg Omelette - with added vegetables
129 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Egg Omelette 1,5 red bell pepper / 150 gram / 2 large handfuls 1 small onion /...
Diet Oatmeal Apple Cinnamon - with added apples...
122 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 120 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Oatmeal Apple Cinnamon 100 gram applesauce How to prepare: Please follow the instructions on the sachet. Add...
Diet Couscous - with added shrimps and vegetables
129 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 60 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Couscous 1 small handful of shrimps / approx 60 gram 4 asparagus + 5 cherry tomatoes /...
Diet Egg Omelette - fluffy omelette with added ...
129 kcal Nupo Diet + ca. 60 kcal You'll need: 1 portion Diet Egg Omelette 2 handfuls of vegetables / 110 gram - Example: use 1 large handful of snack...
How many meals per day is the right amount?
How many meals do you have to eat a day? That is a really good question and it is also a question without a straight answer. It is individual how...
Are you ready for the wedding season?
It is always nice to be invited to a wedding. You get to wear a gorgeous dress or suit, and you get to meet new people and maybe old friends...
Gastrointestinal diseases are the overlooked ep...
Welcome to Nupo's IBS Relief - your path to better gastrointestinal health. Imagine freeing yourself from the uncomfortable feeling of bloating, abdominal distension, and irregular bowel movements. These capsules provide...
With Collagen Beauty & Burn - You Can Achieve Y...
How do I get started? How do I get started? You may know the feeling of being left with bitter experience after countless attempts to lose weight, get healthier, stronger,...
Kõndimine alternatiivse treeninguna
Kui arvad, et treenimine on keeruline, kuna pole seda aastaid teinud, on see lihtsalt halb vabandus alustamiseks. Sa saad üsna heasse vormi, kui lisad oma kalendrisse pikad ja regulaarseid...
What is IBS?
IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome, is a functional gastrointestinal disorder characterized by varying gut-related complaints. The disease can manifest itself in the form of pain, bloating, altered stool consistency, and...