KiOnutrime-CsG® - The proven weight management tool
'- by KitoZyme (2015)
KiOnutrime-CsG® is a natural ingredient that is scientifically proven to help people to manage their weight. In a recently completed clinical trial1 it was found that overweight subjects consuming KiOnutrime-CsG® lost an average of 3.2kg over three months, compared with a small weight increase on average in the control group.
Produced by KitoZyme at its manufacturing facility in Belgium, KiOnutrime-CsG® works by safely preventing some of the fat in food from being absorbed by the body. It is a cationic (positively charged) biopolymer that binds with anionic (negatively charged) molecules such as fats and fatty acids and obstructs the emulsification and absorption of cholesterol.
Taken just a few minutes before a meal, KiOnutrime-CsG® will bind dietary fat in the stomach to form a gel that is later excreted naturally without being absorbed. A previous study carried out using a lab-based model of the human gut showed that KiOnutrime-CsG® can bind 42% of the fats ingested in a typical meal2 , as shown below in Figure 1. The latest human study, which is awaiting publication in a peer-reviewed journal, confirms that this mechanism has a statistically significant impact on weight loss in healthy overweight people.
For the full study, click here.